New Era handles

Our revolutionary handle system

New Era handles

Our new handle system "New Era" starts into a new era in the table tennis world. The result of months of development is a new racket handle that feels very special.

What is so special about new era handles?

The structure

In contrast to standard handles, our NEW ERA handles consist of differently shaped discs that are glued together vertically to form a whole piece.

very precise feeling

Transmission of impulses between disks can well be compared with a sphere-pendulum. If the ball hits the blade, the impulse 'jumps' from disc to disc. The result of this direct impulse transmission is an extremely intense feeling of the ball, which extends through the complete grip to the end of the handle.

Grafik Impulsübertragung bei New Era Tischtennis-Griffen

"With a normal handle, the impulse towards the handles end is slightly attenuated. However, this does not have to be a disadvantage.
On the contrary, each player has to find out for himself what suits him better:
a very direct transmission of the ball or a slightly weaker but calmer ball feedback."

Grafik Impulsübertragung bei Standard Tischtennis-Griffen

4 handle designs 
4 colors

available from September 6th

NEW ERA anatomic


NEW ERA straight


NEW ERA straight-anatomic


NEW ERA flared


Try the new handles

Like all our table tennis blades you can also test our NEW ERA handles at home.